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We Disagree with Kermit-the-Frog: It IS Easy Being Green with Centrifugal Clutches

When the popular American television series Sesame Street first aired almost 46 years ago, the manufacturing industries weren’t concerned, or weren’t as concerned, with “sustainability” and with “being green,” as everyone is today. Those of us who grew up with Kermit-the-Frog singing and complaining about “being green” know he wasn’t referring to sustainability when he […]

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Why For Centrifugal Clutches, Size Matters

Size matters when you’re designing and manufacturing centrifugal clutches! We know this from our experience working with our customers who have come to use from many different industries throughout the years. If you’re not already familiar with BLM Automatic Clutch, we’re a family owned company, which designs and manufactures centrifugal clutches. Whenever we’re designing and […]

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Hurricane Season Preparation and Response: BLM is Ready

For most of the country, June signals the start of summer—a carefree season of long, warm days and time spent outdoors. For the southeastern United States and the Caribbean, however, June 1 marked the start of hurricane season, and it’s something they take very seriously. While this year’s hurricane season has been predicted to be […]

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Harnessing the Power of New Technology

American manufacturing industry continues to see an incredible comeback. Unfortunately, there continues to be a skilled labor shortage. Back in 2013, it was reported that up to 600,000 manufacturing jobs were unfilled, and according to Forbes Business, “the skills gap is likely to become more acute.” These predictions proved correct. Of course one way to […]

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Could a Cross-Country Pipeline Solve Problems on Both Coasts?

Recently, we’ve been hearing about a theoretical pumping solution that has been getting nationwide attention. It has a lot of people asking, “Could this really work?” It’s a common sense idea that began from regular folks questioning and hypothesizing: can we take the overabundance of snow in Boston, and transport it to California, a state […]

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A Focus On The Future: STEM Education And Awareness

It’s no secret that North American manufacturing is back in a big way. It’s growing and advancing at lightning speed, and it’s causing a ripple effect that is extremely good news for the economy. After all, consider these statistics from NAM: • Manufacturers contributed $2.09 trillion to the U.S. economy last year • Manufacturing supports over […]

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3 Things to Know about Centrifugal Clutches

The centrifugal clutch: as versatile as it is important. Not only are there many advantages of centrifugal clutches—energy savings, smooth acceleration, ease of maintenance, etc.—but there are so many applications that benefit from it. Here are three of them: 1) A controlled environment is best for industrial clutches. Test runs on your motor will help […]

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